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What is Malware

Updated: Sep 12, 2022

Simply put, a Malware is a piece of code just like any other program with only difference being the outcome. So what is the difference you'd ask!

You see, a regular Code is meant to build something, achieve something that is non-disruptive and not malicious in nature.

For e.g. creating a web-page OR writing a script which helps simplify an administrative task.

Think of it like home appliances or domestic help available back in your home, which are available to make your life easier on a daily basis.

Malware codes, however, are malicious in nature. They are codes designed to steal others data, delete files and folders, break others computers/systems without taking consent of the owner of information. It is meant to disrupt, extort or steal.

For e.g. Viruses, Worms, Ransomwares, etc.

Think of it like home appliances or domestic help with nefarious intent, which are out to steal from you, hurt you or kill you.

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